When to design, or redesign a logo?

We see and interact with logos and brands daily, and watch some rise to excellence and some fail to obscurity. There are often good reasons not to change a logo, but to give it a face-lift, a contemporary evolution in the design. When a logo fails or just doesn’t make its mark, a completely new design concept is needed.

Subtle design changes and evolutions are common among big brand companies who update their logos every couple of years with new changes-evolutions. Companies who make huge investments in their brands and profit from loyal, repeat customers don’t want to alter their images, get lost on the shelf, or cause confusion to their public.

If a company or product is basically happy with its “look and style”, but recognize that it is outdated and may no longer convey the messaging zing of the market today, and that their competition is looking more contemporary then they, it’s time for an adaptation and a design facelift.

Design evolution of a current logo is a good choice after carefully analysis of its effectiveness, and if no compelling reason can be found to totally change it. If however, a company’s or its products’ current identity design isn’t making a clear connection with its public and audience, it’s time to rethink, regroup, and create a new design direction.

Below is a selection of our Before and After designs:






